Member Resources

Guide to Hosting a CLE (Virtual)

The Corporate Counsel Section’s Guide to Hosting a CLE (Virtual)


Email Distribution List

Corporate Counsel Section members can send and receive email notices, questions, and announcements to and from other section members at [email protected]. Members can use this distribution list to:

  • Ask fellow section members a question
  • Announce events/news of interest
  • Reply to Sender: list default
  • Reply to the entire list: change reply address to [email protected]
  • Sign up* by emailing the bar (must be a section member). Include your preferred email address
  • Change your preferred email address for list messages by emailing the bar
  • No attachments allowed. Cut and paste into the body of the message, or send a link

If you joined the section when you paid your OSB Membership Fees, you are already on the list. If you would like to be added or if you are a member who would like to change your preferred email address,  you can do so by emailing the bar.

If you have ideas or suggestions for CLE topics, you can email those to the Section’s Secretary.